Cal Poly
Experience Innovation Lab
Providing evidence-based, data-driven insights and solutions
What is the Experience Innovation Lab?
It is a research, innovation, and creative space at the center of personal & digital guest experiences.
The Experience Innovation Lab is a dynamic hub of creativity and innovation at the intersection of education and industry.
Our mission is to shape the future of the experience industry by empowering students, professionals, and organizations to create, deliver, and measure extraordinary experiences based on data-driven design.
Our lab is where creativity meets cutting-edge technology and research, where students become industry leaders through Learn by Doing projects, and where innovation thrives. It is the gateway to unlocking the full potential of the experience economy.
Featured News + Events
EIM Drives Innovation in VR & AI Research through the BEACoN Research Scholars Program
Cal Poly Experience Industry Management Excels at IMEX Conference
Visit SLO Cal Donates Lab Endowment and Student Scholarships to Cal Poly Experience Innovation lab
Cal Poly Experience Innovation Lab Receives $500,000 Donation from George P. Johnson
Contact us
Dr. Sandy Shen
(805) 756-7659
Cal Poly EIM
Attn: Sandy Shen, Director, Experience Innovation Lab
1 Grand Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407